Thursday, November 2, 2017

October 10, 2017: Solving the different serialization layout errors.

The first time I built an UWP rendition of my game I was plagued with different serialization layout errors:

A script behaviour (probably [My component]?) has a different serialization layout when loading.

This error seemed to appear for each of my custom components.

At first I did exactly as the error messages suggested: I removed all #ifdef statements my code.  While doing so, I realized none of them encapsulated any public fields of any of my game components (classes descended from Unity3D's MonoBehavior class), so obviously precompiler directives were not the issue.

I then did some googling and found a site that claimed Unity3D sometimes serialized all fields, so I added the [NotSerialized] attribute to my protected and private fields.  I even changed my getters and setters into methods; again no luck.

Then I decided to focus on the Unity3D project.  I viewed my plugins in the Inspector and noticed that the “Do not process checkbox” was checked for each.  Based on the article here (, which clearly states that Unity injects serialization code into plugins, I unchecked the check boxes for each of my plugins.

And voila!  That resolved my issue!

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